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Mangin Market Minute

When is the Best time to sell in Austin Texas?

Is there a best time of year to list your home in Austin? Well, I can show you the last several years of data to help you answer that question. In General Austin has a very seasonal market, and especially the more so as you get out into...

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Austin Prices: Going Up or Down?

What's happening to Austin home values, the news media is saying that they're dropping, but our local stats are showing something different. So in this Market Minute, I'm going to break down what we're actually seeing here in the local ...

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How is the Austin Housing Market?

How's the housing market in Austin, Texas right now? Stay tuned for this Market Minute, I'm going to break down all the latest stats! So our latest report for the month of May from Austin Board of Realtors shows that the median sales pr...

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